sometimes the best place to start is where you left off from. Life can lead you down endless rabbit holes winding and plummeting to depths unknown. There is a light in the familiar, the comfortable places you were once a part of. My blog was and is that way for me. Now that life has gotten back on track and seems to be making a semblance of sense, I hope to once again become an avid blogger. For better or worse.
what is new with me? You may ask, or perhaps not lol. But I'm going to tell you anyways. My jewelry business Carpe Noctem Studios is off and running!!! Business cards are in the mail as I speak and the website on fb has been open for a while. Soon, it will be farmers market time and you will be able to touch, try on and marvel at your beauty in my wares.
also, my first art class on art journaling for healing begins next Thursday. I made up my kits today and am very pleased with how they turned out and am working on smoothing out my lesson plans. So all in all, everything is looking up and going in the direction of my dreams.
there is a little update for you all and I will be speaking to you daily I hope in the future. With love and light to all. Danielle
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