Beauty is the sky turning a shade of yellow in the evening as the sun defends into the night. Beauty is the way a child embraces its mother in a time of hardship. Beauty is a woman of difference. The little things in all of us are those that make us beautiful. No specific color of hair or shade of eyes, no figure, no tall, no short, no thin, no fat. Just Beauty. Peace, beauty. Hand in hand. The ugliest rock has a stripe of beauty running through its being. No way of dress or speech. Love shows the beauty each of us possesses. We unleash our feelings by the beauty that pulls it from us. The purest dream, the wildest fantasy. Beauty. The grass growing after the harshest winter. A river flowing after the longest drought. Beautiful. Unmasked, no specific meaning. Pure and from the heart. The way a man looks at a woman. Not as a piece of meat, but as a beautiful flower. Why is being beautiful so important? Why do we always yearn to be beautiful? Beauty, "a way of life". A way of life that has existed for eternity and will in our forever to come. No real form, just the restless heart needing pleasure. The eyes want to see beautiful not ugly. Bright and cheery not dark and gloomy. Beauty rests inside as well as out, but respect only lies within. It lies with its beauty waiting to be noticed. Needing to be noticed. A waterfall that drifts into the deepest spring. An array of wildlife all around. Beauty? A steep rock protruding out of water deprived land. Beauty?
written at 16 as a 5 min writing exercise.
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