Spring is a time of renewal, rebirth and growth. It is a sacred time full of possibility and wonder. As the days lengthen we need to make room for positive energies to flow our way.
Your thoughts and your environment create your life. So now is the time to let go of the dusty forgotten baggage that's cluttering your home and yourself.
Try this freeing exercise and see what manifests in your life. Once you make space in your world, positive energies will have a new place to call home.
Go through one room, one closet or one drawer (whatever you're comfortable starting with) and throw away or donate anything that doesn't hold a special place in your soul or serve a purpose in your life. Once you finish this task move one to the next place and so on and so on. As each item leaves your home, you will feel a "lightening" not only in your home, but in your spirit as well. Please let me know how this works for you and any positive changes that come about due to this spiritual cleansing.
1 bucket or sink
4 drops lavender essential oil
4 drops patchouli essential oil
1 tbs. Sea salt
Mix the ingredients together stirring in a clockwise direction, thinking of all of the peace and harmony you wish to be brought into your home. As you wash your floors keep this image in your head as clearly as possible. Do the entire house this way and you will notice the benifits immediately.
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