Saturday, October 18, 2014

Getting Up. The Whys and Hows of it All.

Sometimes it just seems like an endless parade of calamities. One thing following another like little toy soldiers.
It is so easy to get knocked down. It is the getting back up part that takes endless conviction and stamina. Making sure that everyday, you rise. You put one leg in your pants at a time, then shoes, bra, top. Then on to the bathroom to put on you facial facade of the day. You strive to be the best person that's in you at the beginning of everyday.
The tests we are made to undertake though can mount a significant amount of stress and a longing to just disappear back under the covers and stay there. And yet everyday, you get up. You march in line with all of the other little toy soldiers. Onto the daily troubles and turmoil that is dangling like vines before you.
How is it we keep moving on? Why don't we just give up? Stay in our own tranquil scared space and not give into the drama? Can anyone answer that?
It can be heartbreaking. The smallest thing can set off a deep and dark mood. A song on the radio sends a looming cloud of memories. So tormented is our soul." I miss you!" your heart cries out. Sometimes the tears are there to follow.
Someone who is said to love you can take a bat to your knees Nancy Keregan style. They can be so cruel and abusive that their love is difficult for you to fathom let alone believe in.
So why.... Why do you get out of bed?
I get out of bed because I deserve to be happy. I deserve the tranquility of my sacred space to follow me throughout my day, a radiant luminescent cape that drapes over my shoulder. Making me into the superhero I believe myself to be. I get up because I have little people who depend on me. That look to me like I am their superhero and I choose not to let them down. The sadness, lonelyness, hurt and turmoil are still there. But more as a dark shadow on the peripheral. I get up because I choose to. Because I have to. Because I need to. I ask again, why do you get up?


Unknown said...

I can give you three reason. Bed sore happen when u stay in bed to long and they hurt. Coffee in in the kitcken not the bed. If u do not get up and go to the bathroom the bed get really messy quick and u do not want to stay there.. :). Beside u have to get up to go see me.

Unknown said...

Practical as always. Lol. Very good reasons. Coffee is a strong reason for me as well. :D