Thursday, January 13, 2011

My 7 Deadly Sins







and last but oh sooo not least...

OK.... at the beginning of every new year everyone has these great aspirations of things they want to do or change in their lives. Resolutions. I haven't made any yet, because I have been thinking about this ritual and why almost every resolution falls away pretty rapidly. Why the failures? Is that such a brilliant way to begin a new year, every year? I really don't think so. In my random way of thinking I decided it is best for me to realize and come to terms with my 'failures' first. And really what can be counted as more of a failure than succumbing the the great and tempting '7 Deadly Sins'? So I racked my brain and found (not surprisingly) that I could come up with something for each and everyone of them..... So here they are, out in the open. After all, the road to recovery begins with acceptance. So I accept my 'Sins' and in doing so perhaps a resolution of change will be next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all have sins, part of being human. I like yours :) DL